Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Over the weekend we (mom, grandma, and me) went on a real vacation. We didn’t just go to Grandma’s house and do stuff there. We went on a real vacation to Ocean City, Maryland. I had never been there but both mom and grandma had been there lots and lots. Mom and Grandma said we were going to the beach but I had no idea what a beach was. Mom said it was like the park but better.
We got up on Friday morning and got in the car. I still am not a big fan of the car but lately we have been going to really neat places. I got to sit on grandma’s lap and look out the window. It was really fun until we got to the Bay Bridge. I didn’t like it at all the bridge has these big steel things that went over the top of the car they scared me but mom and grandma said it was going to be okay and soon we were off the bridge and on our way. We stopped once to get gas and go to the bathroom. We also stopped at the cute little white house I thought we were going to stay there but mom said no that this is where they stayed when she was a girl. Then grandma said that it was too early to go to the hotel so she thought we should go to the boardwalk.
Do you know what a boardwalk is? I didn’t but I do now. It is even funnier than the doggie park if you can imagine. I LOVE THE BOARDWALK!!!! There are lots of different smells, people, and dog there. If you are lucky you can find a French Fry, a wadde of gum, or part of an ice cream cone that some one dropped. We would walk around and then sit on a bench and people we didn’t even know would walk up and tell me how cute, adorable, or beautiful I am. Those people are pretty smart! There were all kinds of dogs big ones, little ones, cute ones, and ugly ones. I also learned this weekend that not all humans like dogs and not all dogs like dogs.
We stay at a hotel called “The Barefoot Mailman”. It was a lot different from our house and grandma’s house. It was a big room with 2 beds in it. It had a TV, DVD & VCR, Microwave, and Refrigerator. There was a bathroom too. It was a lot of fun there I could get on mom’s bed and jump over to grandma’s bed without even touching the floor.
There was a pool where all the dogs and their humans hung out in the afternoon. The dogs were not allowed in the pool but we ran around the edge and made our humans nervous. Mom said she didn’t want to have to jump in to save me.
On Sunday we went to the beach. I agree with Uncle Dan...I like it all except when it flushes (that's what he said when he was little). After the beach Sunday morning we went back to the hotel and watch the Redskins game. Mom says they haven't been doing to well this season.
It is exhausting rooting for the Redskins.

I don't think I can do this anymore.

So we put on our redskin stuff and cheered them on and who knew they won.
It was a great time and mom and grandma are thinking we should do this every year. We will have to wait and see. I suggest that everyone go to Ocean City, Maryland...It was the best vacation even better than going to grandma's. Be on the look out for new blog posts with pictures from the boardwalk and beach.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well, it is that time of year again. I have the summer blues. We get home from vacation and mom is headed back to work. I really hate work. It means that mom is gone all day.

Mom and I went to grandma's for summer vacation. We did lots of fun stuff while I was there. I got to play with Kato and Titus. The first day we were there mom and grandma went out and left me in the big bathroom. I got so upset that I tore the linen closet door off the hinges and chewed some of the laminate off. Grandma was not happy about that so she bought a small kennel like the one I have at home but much smaller. Every time I try to stand on my back legs I hit my head on the top. One day I even figured out how to open the door from the inside and I meet mom and grandma at the door when they came home. Mom and grandma did a lot of things that I couldn't do because "NO DOGGIES ALLOWED!" They went to the Crayola Factory in Easton, PA and since I couldn't go they took Tucker and Kylie grandma's neighbors and my friend Titus' humans.

This is Tucker and Kylie with the World's Biggest Crayon!

Here is mom coloring with Tucker and Kylie...boy don't those crayon look yummy!

This is Tucker and Kylie with Mr. Crayon.

We went to a lake...I had never been to a lake. It kind of looks like a really big bathtub. It was very exciting where we were...We could see all the people bringing their bath toys (boats) and putting them in and out of the water. Mom and grandma had a picnic lunch and I got to smell all kinds of new things.

That thing on the back of that truck is one of those boats...but I think they look like bath toys.
It is very interesting to watch all the comings and goings!

While we were there mom took me down to the water. I LOVE THE WATER!!! I walked all the way in to my neck. Then mom and I got on this floaty thing. It is where the people were bringing their "boats"

It had very interesting smells too. While we were walking around on the float I looked in the water and mom and grandma were talking about swimming and the next thing I knew I was in the water. I swam all the way to shore.

I like getting wet and it was fun to roll in the grass and dirt to get dry.

While we were at grandma's my friend, Titus, gave me some new toys. Here is picture of them before mom gave them to me. Don't they look nice?
Now here is a video of what I did to the black and white dog on the left.

Best of all I love going to grandma's because she has birds and I like to chase and bark at them. But most of all I love being anywhere my mom is!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Since mom is only working 4 days a week during summer school and it is only half days we get to watch a lot of movies. I like to watch TV. My favorite show is "The Dog Whisperer". I get very concerned when the "bad" dog bark and act inappropriately but I listen to Cesar (the dog whisperer). When he says to sit I sit. He is very good with dogs.
People say that dogs can't see or watch TV. Something about our eyes aren't made for it. Below you will see that that is not true. Here I am watching one of my favorite movies "Underdog".

If you haven't seen "Underdog" yet you really should it is a great movie...that Beagle is a very good actor! See you at the MOVIES!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Well, it has been a busy few weeks for me. Mom says I had a vacation but parts of it were kind of stressful. First, Grandma went to California to see Uncle Dan and Aunt Juju, I think I wrote about that in my last blog. So Grandma came back and boy was I excited to see her. Then a couple of days later Grandma put me in her car and we left mom at home I guess. They said something about Uncle Dave and Aunt Rebecca house but I never saw them. Here is a picture of me watching grandma getting ready to take me to her house.

I spent a lot of days at Grandma's. We went for walks and we visited Grandma's friends Pat and Steve. I got in trouble at Pat and Steve's when we left I didn't want to get in the car so I shrugged out of my car harness and ran down the street. Grandma was not happy with me but she forgave me and all was right in my world again. There were lots of things to do at Grandma's. Grandma has a bunny rabbit in her yard that I got to chase and she also has a lot of big birds but I did my best to get rid of them for her. I got to watch the community yard sale. Lots of people came and bought things. I made sure that Grandma was safe and every once in a while I would check to see if mom showed up. About two weeks later we got in the car again (again I shrugged out of my harness and ran through Grandma's neighborhood) and we drove a long time and grandma stopped at our house where I live with mom. Grandma opened the door and I was scared to go in but when I got there there was mom and I ran to her and kissed her bunches and bunches. I missed her a lot. The next day mom and Grandma took me to see Dr. Smith for my yearly check-up. I now weight 18.5 pounds and I am all healthy. I got my shots and it was very exciting to be at the vets because I spent the whole day and there were other dogs and new people to see. I was so tired that I pretty much slept for two days. Then yesterday, Monday, mom went back to work. She is teaching summer-school so she is not gone as long as she usually is when she goes to work. I will blog again later about my summer. Mom says that both of us are going to go to Grandma's in a couple of weeks. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


For those of you who don't know what a gotcha day is. It is the day you got got. In other words, I have a birthday, February 28th, 2008, and I have a gotcha day, June 10th, 2008. Last year on June 10th is when my mom came to Lynch"s Little Puppies and picked me up and she got me. Therefore, today is my GOTCHA DAY!!!! It was pretty uneventful. Mom is still working she says she doesn't get done until the 19th this year. So I got to stay home in my kennel and watch Sesame Street. I am trying to learn my letters so I can read but so far I have learned to bark in 3 different languages. Mom came home and she had been to see my vet, Dr. Smith. Mom needed to renew my health insurance and get my heart worm and flea and tick medicine. YUCK! She also pick up two surprise toys (I had no idea she was going to do that) but then again I didn't know that today was my GOTCHA DAY!

Check out these pictures of when mom first GOT ME (GOTCHA) and then look at me NOW!!!

This is me on June 10th, 2008 at Grandma's house. BOY was I little!

Here I am a few day later at our house. I still look tiny!!!

NOW here I am June 10th, 2009 a whole year later. Look at what a BIG girl I am!

I don't have that baby harness...I have a big girl collar now.

This is me sitting on the spare bed in the computer room. It is where Grandma sleeps when she comes to visit. However, she is in California visiting Uncle Dan, Aunt JuJu, Cousins: Gizmo, Katie, Sweet Pea, and Mac. So I have been coming in the computer room and rolling on the bed and crying. Mom call Grandma and I got to talk to her on the phone and she said she would be home soon. But I miss her a lot!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well, first off I have not learned any new tricks I am still having trouble with the rolling over thing. It's not as easy as it looks!

Second, mom and I went on SPRING BREAK. We drove to grandma's house and stayed there for 10 days. It was lots of fun. I got to play outside and go on lots of walks with mom and grandma. It is so much fun at Grandma's house because she has a big glass door and outside that door there are pigeons (grandma calls them Morning Doves but mom and I call them pigeons). I protect grandma's yard by standing at the door and telling (barking at) those things to get out of our yard. I wonder what Grandma does when I'm not there.
While we were there Grandma had a friend Bonnie staying with her. Bonnie is moving to Florida and she needed a place to stay while she got her things in order. Bonnie was not sure about me. She said I was rambunctious. Bonnie, grandma, and mom kept telling me to get down but I was just trying to show Bonnie what a fun girl I am. Eventually I learned that Bonnie was okay but she didn't want me to get up on her or jump in her face. Which are two things I do very well.

Third, while I was at Grandma's one of mom's friends came over, Rachel. She brought Merlin her 13" beagle who is a few months younger than me.

Here is Merlin saying hello to my grandma.

We had belated birthday gathering for the two of us. It was a lot of fun because we ran and ran around grandma's house and played with each other.

TAG Merlin's It!

Then we got thirsty so I shared my water bowl and we drank at the same time.

Then we played more Tag!

TAG Bailey's It!

After they left I was exhausted.

Finally, on Easter Sunday there was a basket with my name on it, BAILEY. It had lots of stuff in it. There were doggie lollipops, a pink dragon, a bobble ball, and a purple bottle that mom can put treats in (that's my favorite). After looking at all my Easter Gifts I was exhausted again.

There was a lot that happened over those ten days. I got to run and play, mom was around almost everyday, I made new friends, and I got to play with old ones like Kato who lives next door to grandma. Over all it was a great time.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

To Be Stubborn or Not To Be Stubborn THAT is the Question

Mom says that I am stubborn...I say I am strong willed and fun loving! Take a look at the following videos and let me know what you think.

I don't think I am stubborn. I think mom is expecting too much from a young pup like me.

If you look really close I will lay down and roll over without even being told. WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?


Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009


This morning the alarm clock went off and mom turned on the TV. A few minutes later she took me outside and there was SNOW all over the ground. Then mom didn't even get ready for work she just went back to bed. She said we were having a SNOW DAY!!!! I like snow it is fun to run in, however, it is cold and I can't find anywhere to poop or pee outside. I also can't smell all the places I have marked to keep the other neighborhood animals out of our yard. It is nice to have mom home. We have been hanging out watching TV, taking a nap, mom has been drinking hot tea and reading. I really need to learn to do that everyone seem to do it a lot. Over the weekend I tried to read but I ended up eat chapters 1 thru 19 of a book mom hasn't read yet...she was a little upset. But she forgave me. Well, gotta go...the snow is calling my name... BAAIILLYY!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today is your Birthday!!!

Well, ta da, TODAY FEBRUARY 28TH I HAD MY FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!! When we got up this morning mom sang a song to me something about Happy Birthday. Then we called grandma and she sang me the same song. Apparently birthdays are a big deal...almost as big as Christmas it seems. The thing I like about this Birthday thing is that I got presents. Mom got me a pink pig that is like my flat un-stuffed squirrel. It has 5 squeakers in far I have only gotten 2 of them out but I am working on the others. Grandma got me 3 chew toys which I am having a hard time destroying but I haven't given up yet. Mom's friend Donna and her 3 cats got me an un-stuffed raccoon which I have accomplish to remove both of its squeakers. Yesterday my food got switched completely to grown up food (it was half puppy food and half grown-up food for about the past 2 weeks). So I am growing-up! Also Mom got rid of my harness and now I have a collar. Now I even look grown up.

Other news...I HAVE LEARNED HOW TO SIT!!! This apparently makes everyone happy and they give me treats and cookies. So now all they need to do is ask if I want a cookie and I just go ahead and sit down. Mom is trying to teach me to lay down but I haven't quite got the hang of that yet.

So anyway, Happy Birthday to ME! I am no longer a baby...I'm a big girl NOW!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Flat Squirrel

One of my many Christmas presents was a flat un-stuffed squirrel. I love this squirrel. Grandma got it for me. It is about a foot and a half long and it had a squeaker in its head and tail before I surgically removed them. Here are some pictures of Grandma laying on the couch and me playing with my squirrel with her...

Here we are on the couch.

There is my squirrel. Doesn't grandma look like she is having a great time! I thought so!


Christmas was very interesting. First off there was a tree in grandma's house. It was not a normal tree it was very shiny and sparkly and when ever I went over to it to take a closer look mom or grandma would say, "NO BAILEY!" So I would leave it alone. I did find one of the shiny balls on the floor and boy were they quick to take it away from me. Like I said before Uncle Dave and Aunt Rebecca were suppose to come but they got sick, so it was just grandma, mom, and me. Grandma said she couldn't get the presents under the tree (why would you put presents under a tree?), so they decided to put them on top of my big kennel. This was very interesting. Then when we got up Christmas morning Santa had locked our stockings in my kennel. Check it out...

I am not sure I understand it but boy I like it!

More of that Furry Red Guy

Over Christmas mom got more of those furry red things. She got a Hokie-Pokie Elmo from her friend Donna, grandma found an Elmo in a Christmas stocking that sings Jingle-Bells, and Uncle Dan and Aunt JuJu got her a metal tray wtih Elmo on it. I like the tray the best. Below are some videos of the other new ones mom got. Boy that red thing is scary!