Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well, first off I have not learned any new tricks I am still having trouble with the rolling over thing. It's not as easy as it looks!

Second, mom and I went on SPRING BREAK. We drove to grandma's house and stayed there for 10 days. It was lots of fun. I got to play outside and go on lots of walks with mom and grandma. It is so much fun at Grandma's house because she has a big glass door and outside that door there are pigeons (grandma calls them Morning Doves but mom and I call them pigeons). I protect grandma's yard by standing at the door and telling (barking at) those things to get out of our yard. I wonder what Grandma does when I'm not there.
While we were there Grandma had a friend Bonnie staying with her. Bonnie is moving to Florida and she needed a place to stay while she got her things in order. Bonnie was not sure about me. She said I was rambunctious. Bonnie, grandma, and mom kept telling me to get down but I was just trying to show Bonnie what a fun girl I am. Eventually I learned that Bonnie was okay but she didn't want me to get up on her or jump in her face. Which are two things I do very well.

Third, while I was at Grandma's one of mom's friends came over, Rachel. She brought Merlin her 13" beagle who is a few months younger than me.

Here is Merlin saying hello to my grandma.

We had belated birthday gathering for the two of us. It was a lot of fun because we ran and ran around grandma's house and played with each other.

TAG Merlin's It!

Then we got thirsty so I shared my water bowl and we drank at the same time.

Then we played more Tag!

TAG Bailey's It!

After they left I was exhausted.

Finally, on Easter Sunday there was a basket with my name on it, BAILEY. It had lots of stuff in it. There were doggie lollipops, a pink dragon, a bobble ball, and a purple bottle that mom can put treats in (that's my favorite). After looking at all my Easter Gifts I was exhausted again.

There was a lot that happened over those ten days. I got to run and play, mom was around almost everyday, I made new friends, and I got to play with old ones like Kato who lives next door to grandma. Over all it was a great time.